In partnership with Lev Chabad in Israel, Princeton students have built an adaptable network to support rebuilding projects alongside short and long-term aid.


Our Focus: pregnant mothers and wounded soldiers.

The Solution: Prepaid debit cards.

Learn about the project in action.

The Distribution of Prepaid Cards:

The Need.

When the war started, large communities were evacuated and began receiving government aid. Many people lived just a few miles past the official evacuation zones, yet were under the threat of missile fire. These families made the choice to self-evacuate, and by leaving their jobs and homes, they were left without a stream of revenue. This population, in addition to evacuees and soldiers, has been underserved by traditional aid structures.

The Empowerment.

This large group of evacuated families, self-evacuees, and soldiers are largely unaccustomed to receiving aid, and have gone overlooked by most other governmental and humanitarian aid groups. By giving them the autonomy to buy food and support their families, their dignity is respected.

The Solution.

Chabad houses distribute prepaid cards loaded with money every two weeks. For families who can no longer afford food, this money makes a sizable difference, and is delivered in a dignified manner.

#Yes We Care

#Yes We Care